Things Jamaican is so much more than just things. We are committed to the development of Micro, Small & Medium enterprises by promoting craft development in Jamaica and showcasing and retailing the best and highest quality gift and craft items.

Established in the 1960’s by the then government and the Social Development Commission, the main purpose was to bring structure to the craft industry in Jamaica. Following the closure of the Things Jamaican™ company, the Jamaica Business Development Centre (now Jamaica Business Development Corporation) was given the managerial responsibilities of the Things Jamaican brand in April 2001 by ministerial decision and Things Jamaican was reborn. Since then, we have provided pathways for poverty alleviation and wealth creation; strengthening the Orange Economy and the development of Brand Jamaica.

Promoting and building “brand Jamaica” is our main aim. In light of the increased competition from foreign-made merchandise branded ‘Jamaica’ or ‘Made in Jamaica’, Things Jamaican stores exclusively retail and promote authentic locally made products, primarily hand-made by artisans using mainly local materials. Over the past eighteen years, Things Jamaican has established itself as one of the largest purchasers, retailers, and promoters of authentic Jamaican products of the highest quality. Things Jamaican currently markets products on behalf of over 600 active producers island-wide through our chain of three (3) locations:

Experience a Melting Pot Of Authentic Jamaican Creations – the variety of products, the creativity of our Jamaican people, the ambience, and the warm hospitality of our friendly staff. Walk good and see you soon.

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