
Banyan Fragrance Rose Oil – 0.5oz

Fragrance Rose Oil 0.5oz

Fragrance Rose Oil are formulated to be suitable for creating your own candles, soaps, air freshener spray, skin and hair care formulations, cleaning products, for use in home aroma diffusers, scented dryer sheets, freshen a drawer, potpourri, freshen carpets, massage/body oil, sugar scrubs, and many more. Personalize any of your unscented products. Use your imagination to create a scent that is simply yours.

Uses include: all soap bases; candle waxes (works exceptionally well with soy wax); Perfume; unscented incense sticks or cones; baths; body care and hair care formulations; aroma diffuser; homemade cleaning products; or existing unscented products.

Product of Jamaica.

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Fragrance Rose Oil


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Jamaican Made

Weight 0.5 kg


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