
Nish Apiaries- Natural Honey – 250ml

Natural Honey, sweetness without the guilt of cheating your healthy diet. Rich in antioxidants and packed with nutrients, natural honey is the healthy way or adding a little sweetness to your life!



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Jamaican Made

A thick, golden liquid produced by industrious bees, honey is made using the nectar of flowering plants and is saved inside the beehive for eating during times of scarcity. But how do bees make honey? Nectar — a  sugary liquid — is extracted from flowers using a bee’s long, tube-shaped tongue and stored in its extra stomach, or “crop.” While sloshing around in the crop, the nectar mixes with enzymes that transform its chemical composition and pH, making it more suitable for long-term storage.

When a honeybee returns to the hive, it passes the nectar to another bee by regurgitating the liquid into the other bee’s mouth. This regurgitation process is repeated until the partially digested nectar is finally deposited into a honeycomb.

Product of Jamaica.

Weight 0.25 kg


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