5 Ways To Live A Soft Life, The Jamaican Way

“Soft life” is a term that has been floating around the internet for some weeks now. It is described as intentionally creating a life of ease, free from unnecessary hardship. It is safe to say that life has been anything but soft for the past couple of years. The pandemic and inflation have made life much harder, and the idea of a “soft life” might even seem unrealistic. Life is full of ups and downs and sometimes hardship is unavoidable, but there are ways to make life a bit softer and easier. Here are 5 ways you can live a soft life, Jamaican Style.
Stop Tek Draw Out
To “ tek draw out” means that you take the bait when someone is provoking you or pressuring you into doing something you don’t want to do. It is usually done to elicit an emotional response and make you look like the fool in the situation. One of the easiest ways to live the “soft life” is to stop tek draw out. That coworker that keeps making snide comments wants you to get upset and waste your energy on responding to foolishness. You might believe that by responding, you are making sure nobody can “style” you, but you lose every time. As Mrs. Obama once said, when they go low, we go to HR. Rise above and don’t let badmind win.
Aromatherapy can do wonders for your nervous system by bringing you back to the here and now, and away from the hustle and bustle of modern life. Oils like lavender and bergamot have a soothing effect almost instantly. They can be incorporated into your shower regime with natural homemade soaps and lotions, or they can be used to set a peaceful and zen environment in candles. Check out this interview with the founders of Rachael Lane for tips on self-care.
Your environment affects your mental state. With many offices incorporating work-from-home days, why not make your home your own sanctuary? Your choice of decor can affect your mood and feelings of inspiration. Check out our home accents page for authentic Jamaican artwork for your space.
Say No To Satan’s Soldiers

We cannot talk about soft life Jamaican style and mention one of the biggest deterrents to it- mosquitoes. Imagine putting in all the effort to live a soft life by taking a luxurious bath, making your environment peaceful with tasteful decor, and lighting candles; and a mosquito invades your space and ruins it all. Nothing is worse than an army of mosquitoes encroaching on your territory. Don’t let those little devils interrupt your time of relaxation.
Slow down
The concept of soft life is not strictly limited to tangible solutions. One of the key tenets in “soft life” is creating ease. This is not something you have to go out and buy. You don’t always need soothing candles and nice decor to achieve a soft life. It mainly comes down to the decisions that we make on a daily basis. Where in your life are you overextending yourself? How can you put yourself first more often? Soft life is a mindset. Slow down, take your full lunch break, take a walk on the beach, visit a nearby river, and prioritize reciprocity in your relationships.
“Soft life” might be just another buzzword floating around the internet, but the meaning behind it is that throughout life’s ups and downs the only constant is you. In order to face life’s challenges head-on, you need to take proper care of yourself first. It does not require you to go into debt, but to make choices that allow you to have more ease and fulfillment in your life. Life is already hard, so don’t do anything that makes it even harder.